Sunday, August 24, 2008

Yurdle The Turtle!

Ever heard of a Texas Spiny Softshell Turtle? We have. Our dad called us and said "I'm coming home with a turtle." We thought small desert turtle. We were wrong. (I thought I had a better picture of him, but I guess not.) This is what we found when we came home.

My dad found him on the middle of Wood Road. We brought him to Pet Co. to see if they knew anything about him. One employee had no clue what this little guy was, and one wasn't sure. They gave him some feeder fish in case he ate fish. He did. (He only ate the one fish that wasn't exactly the brightest fish in the world. The fish kept hiding under the Turtle's mouth) We got him on sunday, and the turtle shelter was closed for Sunday and Monday. Let me tell you that this little guy is almost as bad as the chinchilla. He can run a lot faster than you think, and he can go under the couch too. He will be in one place, you leave him for a minute, and he's in a whole other room! We gave him away because he requires a TON of care, that we unfortunatly cannot fufill. We all miss Yurdle the Turtle, but we were glad to be able to save his life. (Just saying, Yurdle is a GIRL, and not a BOY, and I just realized that I typed him a bunch, and I don't want to fix it.)


Christine said...


Guess what you've been tagged on my blog. Go to it and check out what the rules are...

Unknown said...

Is that her face or her rear? :) ha ha ha

Glad you posted a pic since we did not come over and see her.